Spot on. Unfortunately, I saw it coming years ago, which is when our leaders should have been preparing- https://www.lawofficer.com/america-we-are-leaving/

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Wow, you read my mail on that one. Even more chilling is that I believe that I read that once before a couple of years ago.

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Exactly, Travis.

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Insightful commentary matched by real-world data. I appreciate the candor of your writing. As a law enforcement professional for over 20 years, and a supervisor for 10, on the street nowadays I would agree with your assessment in these areas. Keep up the good work, and thank you! 

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Great insights!

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Great article! Add the societal pressure brought on by edited 5 second clips on social media of “police brutality”, and the perfect storm erupted. The generations entering policing are the biggest consumers of social media, and they are constantly belittled for volunteering to serve and protect.

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Well said. Thank you for that feedback. We need to wake up figure out how badly we need Gen Z and create opportunities they can translate.

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