Excellent, as always.

And this is spot on:

"Like communism, supporters blame the failure of their superior system as the wrong people in charge."

It never ceases to amaze the lengths some will go to embrace and promote illogical ideas, even when it's to the detriment to the people they purport to care about.

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Mar 6Liked by Roland Clee

I love the fact that there was push back from SRO's who haven't fully understood your message, that feelings don't have a seat at the table, facts do. I am in favor of pulling officers from schools and putting them back in roles that support the mission of serving and protecting. If they are not being allowed to enforce laws, and when they are called upon to engage students displaying unacceptable behavior, then put them in a position to actually do their jobs. We as a profession are involved in too many initiatives that place the officer and department in a loose-loose situation. After rethinking this initiative, let the school board figure it out. Im sure there are valid arguments for some schools to have a police substation placed on campus, but that would require cops to do their jobs. Thank you Roland for continuing to be the voice or reason, especially at times when folks like me want to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

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